Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pure non sarcastic boredom

 Its currently 10:07 pm. I have a dam english midterm at 10 am tomorrow morning, and as dumb as a it sounds i have no idea what it is on. I know i have to analyze some poetry. However, i would rather do a research paper or some drawn out math problems than do poetry. I have nothing against it, i just cant comprehend it. Guess thats the laziness of the brain. Guess i better do good on the rest of the class or i could always take the dreaded " W ". i told myself i wouldn't drop any classes this semester, however i think i may have lied to myself. 
Anyways i cant wait to see who our next president is going to be. I thought i was excited for the LSU- Bama game, but im truly excited to see our next president. I think this is definently one of the biggest elections of our time. If Barack is elected, he will be our first black president. This will make some happy while probably making an equal amount furious. As much as we speak about how racism is dead, i believe it is more alive than ever. TONS of people will not vote for Obama because of his skin color and his religious beliefs. Due note last time i checked we were the " LAND OF THE FREE " most Americans tend to forget this. I wont judge him because of his color or beliefs, i wont vote for him mainly because i dont think he is experienced enough to be our Commander and Chief. I mean come on America he is serving his first term in the U.S. senate. Maybe im wrong, i mean maybe knowledge and prior political experience is no longer a requirement to run a country. I personally like the McCain/Palin   ballot. McCain was first introduced into politics while he was still in the Navy. In 1982 however he held his first seat in office to the House of Representatives. Obama was still in college and John McCain was already holding a national spot in politics. 
I dont know, i mean maybe Obama is way more suited for the job than i know, very possible that im worng. I do believe he can relate " Speak " to the public better than McCain does. Barack seems to have a better way of communicating with Main Street while McCain sits heavily on Wall Street and seems to have a little more difficult of a time putting his words into laminds   terms for the random Joe Blow to understand.  Anyways im not going to babble on anymore on this topic i will write tomorrow about how bad my poetry test went. haha

1 comment:

Tabatha Semien said...

Lil' pumpkin!! haha jk! Where have you been?! Derek's in a new band now so once they get some shows booked you have to come see him!