Sunday, October 5, 2008

are people as knowledgeable as they pretend to be

Lately all you ever hear about is politics. How one candidate is WAAAAY more qualified than the other. how George Bush just ran us into the ground. How Sarah Palin is a woman and needs to stay in Alaska, and How Barack is Muslim. All this non-sense. My question though is how much do people really know about their candidate of choice? The vast majority of America including myself doesn't know as much about politics as we pretend to. Most liberals will ride Barack Obama's coat tail because he is all about " Change " and the republican will ride McCain's because he is a war veteran with years and years of political experience. I want to know how the general public can make all these accusations about how one president is so much better than the other one, when if you ask half of them they cant tell you what state their candidate is from, where he was born, how long hes been in politics or anything. Youtube is currently full of videos by people about how Sarah Palin is EXTREMELY unqulified to be our vice president. They may be correct, they may be dead wrong. But before shooting off a 5 minute video look at the other side of the fence, is Joe Biden the man to take the vice presidency? Is he that much more qualified? One must answer these questions before making all these assertions about bad one candidate will be over the next. However i have to go to bed now so i will continue this little story in the morning

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